This weekend I was feeling pretty good and didn't get sick all weekend .. this is like a world record. I can't remember the last weekend I didn't get sick. Anyway since I was feeling better and my mom was up to visit we decided to get some Christmas shopping done.
We went to Target and started working on my list. I was actually surprised to see that is wasn't that busy on a Saturday afternoon and we didn't even have to wait at the checkout counter - score!
The difficult part came in figuring out what to get my cousins kids. Some of these kids I only see once or twice a year so how the hell do I know what to give them but on the other hand I don't think gift certificates are appropriate for 6 year olds .. it's just my own thought.
I saw some young kids in the toy aisle and figured they were around the 6/7 year mark so I started to follow them a little (not stalk) but just stare at them and watch intently on what they found interesting. Bottom line is it worked and I go the items I needed to get - score again!
On a side note, I bought Season One of House for my mom because she really wants it but holy hell .. $45 for one season .. I love House but even he would be pissed off at the price, okay he is pissed off at everything but come on.
All the easy gifts are done but the hard things are left .. for instance, what do I get my mom-in-law? Any advice? Next year will be so much easier because we can give photo albums of the baby and all the grandparents will be happy.
I love House. You should have waited though. We got seasons 1, 2 and 3 last year for like $20 each closer to Christmas. Huge score on that!
I can't wait to last minute .. this is late enough for me.
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