Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow Snow Snow

All day today everyone has been like "the snows coming around 11:30", "I heard we are getting 10 inches", "Are you ready for the snow?", "we are suppose to get hit hard", "Attleboro is getting hit the worse you got to get out of here" ... all of these were by 9am and I would look outside and not see any snow or rain. Then at 1:55pm the snow started to come down ... holy cow it is coming down so fast. At 2:15 we were told we can leave at 2:30 (woo hoo) and I began the trek home. It usually takes me 25-30 mins but today it took 1 hour. The traffic wasn't bad just slow .. nothing was plowed so you need to go slow which is fine by me .. rather get home safe then not. I put on hubby's 4x4 and off I was .. everything was great till I got onto my street and the car slid and turned me halfway around .. it literally happened in a nanosecond .. crazy. Anyway I am home safe and warm but sadly need to go back out again in 2 hours when hubby gets home from work. I am picking him up at the train station .. grrr .. wish he could teleport.

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